Argyll CMS GUI Documentation

Author: Steven Greaves 



Argyll CMS GUI is a GUI interface that sits on top of the Argyll CMS profiling system created by Graeme W. Gill, goto to download the argyll programs.

When ArgyllCMSGUI first runs it needs to know where the Argyll\bin folder is, so it can acess the utilities and know where the doc files are located.  If you need to re-set or change the bin location go to File->Settings.

There are 2 ways to access the Argyll utilites. The first is by selecting the utility from the Argyll menu, which is grouped by Main, Color, View, Diagnostic and  Misc Utilties. 

The 2nd is by clicking on one of the 4 icons, Displays, Scanners, Printers, and link. These button cycle through the different Argyll utilities needed to create these different profiles.

Each Utility window display all command options for that Argyll program in a property page tree, making it easy to see and change any option. It also contains a help icon that toggles seeing the corosponding Argyll help file in an expanded window so you can see the help for that program along side the command arguments.

After pressing ok or next the corosponding Argyll utility will run with the arguments selected. A text file is also created that contains the exact arguments that are sent.  If an error occurs with the Argyll program than that window closes, so seeing what the error was is difficult.  You can use the text file that was generated to copy and past into a command window to then see what the error was.

All windows keep there settings, so the next time you go to that window the previous settings are already shown. Also when going through the icons, the appropreate settings are brought from each window to the next.  example the ti1 name from targen will be set for the ti1/ti2 name for printarg etc. 

The default names for the input/ouput names when using the one of the icons will be argyllprofile or argylldiplay etc, which is as stated brought through all the way to profile.  After profile has created the icc/icm file a save as window comes up that will allow you to move and rename the resulting icc/icm file.  Canceling this window leaves the icc/icm file to whatever name and place set in the profile argument window.



Argyll CMS GUI is written using wxWidgets, which can be downloaded from and also wxPropertyGrid which can be downloaded from the wxwigets contrib page. wxwidgets is broken up into serveral libs. Argyl GUI needs to be linked with core and base as well as the wxPropertyGrid.